U4Academy > User Guide index > window elements > Statistics window

Statistics window

The user interface of the Statistics window, has the following elements:
Top bar
- Dark/Light mode button – toggle to switch between dark and light mode.
- Sign in/out button – select to Sign in and out of the App.
Navigation bar
- List job offers button – select to go to the Main window.
- Create job offer button – select to go to the Create job offer window.
- Statistics button – when blue, it indicates that the window is active. Follow the link for more information on how to see and read the statistics functionality.
Statistics functionality
- Overview section – you will find the following information:
- Total amount of open job offers tile – it displays the current total amount of open job offers.
- Total amount of closed job offers tile – it displays the current total amount of closed job offers.
- Total amount of in progress job offers tile – it displays the current total amount of in progress job offers.
- Year-on-year section – you will find the following information:
- Interactive legend – select the different legend elements to make them appear and disappear from the stack bar chart.
- Year-on-year stacked bar chart – it displays a comparison between the current year job offers and the past year job offers. The information is organised by month and divided by status.
- Monthly status section – you will find the following information:
- Select month dropdown – choose the month you want to compare.
- Open job offers tile – it displays the total amount of open job offers for the selected month compared to the previous month.
- Closed job offers tile – it displays the total amount of closed job offers for the selected month compared to the previous month.
- In progress job offers tile – it displays the total amount of in progress job offers for the selected month compared to the previous month.
Note: By default, the Monthly status section displays a comparison between current and previous month.
- Company analysis section – you will find the following information:
- Company stacked bar chart – it displays the total amount of job offers for each company and for the current year. The information is divided by status.
- Download statistics button– it allows you to download a .JPEG report with all the data.