
U4Academy > User Guide index > How to > How to recruit candidates


How to recruit candidates

How to generate a list of potential candidates

To generate a list of potential candidates from the Student App, you must follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Main window.
  2. Select the Recruit button inside the Actions field. It redirects you to the Recruit window.
  3. Read through the Candidates list.

The Candidates list is generated using the following criteria:

Note: If there are no matches for the job offer, the message - No matched students found-, displays in the Recruit window.

How to change the recruitment state in the recruitment process

To change the state of the recruitment process, you must follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Main window.
  2. Select the Recruit button inside the Actions field. It redirects you to the Recruit window.
  3. Read through the Candidates list.
  4. Go to the desired candidate and select the Recruitment state dropdown to choose between:

Note: Changes to the recruitment state are saved by default.