U4Academy > User Guide index > How to > How to recruit candidates
How to recruit candidates
How to generate a list of potential candidates
To generate a list of potential candidates from the Student App, you must follow these steps:
- Go to the Main window.
- Select the Recruit button inside the Actions field. It redirects you to the Recruit window.
- Read through the Candidates list.
The Candidates list is generated using the following criteria:
- The Requirements section of the job offer, matches all the fields in the Professional data section in the student profile.
- For on-site job offers the City field must be a match.
- For multiple-choice fields, only one course or programming language needs to be a match for the student to be included in the list.
Note: If there are no matches for the job offer, the message - No matched students found-, displays in the Recruit window.
How to change the recruitment state in the recruitment process
To change the state of the recruitment process, you must follow these steps:
- Go to the Main window.
- Select the Recruit button inside the Actions field. It redirects you to the Recruit window.
- Read through the Candidates list.
- Go to the desired candidate and select the Recruitment state dropdown to choose between:
- Contact – when you wish to schedule an interview with the potential candidate.
- Interview scheduled – you have scheduled an interview.
- Interviewed – you have interviewed the potential candidate.
- Dismissed – you have removed the candidate from the recruitment process.
- Hired – the company has hired the candidate.
Note: Changes to the recruitment state are saved by default.