
U4Academy > User Guide index > How to > How to manage a job offer


How to manage a job offer

How to edit a job offer

To edit a job offer, you must follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Main window.
  2. Select the Manage button inside the Actions field. It redirects you to the Manage job offer window.
  3. Edit the information you wish to change. Go to how to create a new job offer for more information on how to edit the sections and fields.
  4. Once you have finished, you can:

    • Save the changes: Select the Save changes button. It redirects you to the Main window and a confirmation message is displayed.
    • Discard changes: Select the Discard changes button to erase the new changes. A warning message appears and allows you to:
      • Option A: Confirm the operation and go to the Main window by selecting the Yes, discard changes button.
      • Option B: Cancel the operation and stay in the Manage job offer window by selecting the No, keep changes button.

Note: Once you have discarded the changes, the action cannot be undone.

How to delete a job offer

To delete a job offer, you must follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Main window.
  2. Select the Manage button inside the Actions field. It redirects you to the Manage job offer window.
  3. Select the Delete job offer button to delete the job offer. A warning message appears and allows you to:

    • Option A: Confirm the operation and go to the Main window by selecting the Yes, delete record button.
    • Option B: Cancel the operation and stay in the Manage job offer window by selecting the No, keep record button.

Note: Once you have deleted a job offer, it cannot be undone.