
U4Academy > User Guide index > How to > How to create a new job offer


How to create a new job offer

To create a job offer, you must follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Main window.
  2. Select the Create job offer button at the navigation bar, it redirects you to the Create job offer window.
  3. Complete the sections:


Note: To know more about how to change the status of a job offer, follow this link.

  1. Submit job offer: Select the Submit job offer button to create the job offer. It redirects you to the Main window and a pop-up message displays to notify you of the success of the operation.
  2. Clear form: Select the Clear form button to erase all the information in the form.

Note: All fields are mandatory. If you select the Submit job offer button with blank fields in the form, error messages are displayed in those fields.