
U4Academy > Release Notes Student App > New features and enhancements > Create student window

Create student window

New sections and fields in the Create student (SA02) window

   Benefit: Improved student profile with new fields available organised in sections

  • General information:
  • - First name
    - Last name
    - Date of birth
  • Contact Details:
  • - Email
    - Phone
    - City – new field
    - Country
  • Professional data:
  • - Courses
    - Languages – new field
    - Work location – new field
    - Programming languages – new field

    Note: All fields are mandatory except the Programming languages field that will only be mandatory when a related course is selected.

    New alert system for blank mandatory fields

       Benefit : The user's experience will be more fluid when creating a new student.

      Before, when you left mandatory fields blank, error messages displayed one by one. Now, if you leave more than one mandatory field blank, error messages display at the same time.

    New look for the Create student button

       Benefit : The **Create student** button is now more visible and intuitive.

      The Create student button's look, in the Main (SA01) window, has been updated to be more accessible.